Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Monday, March 29, SUCASA

At Annunciata, I gave them linen postcards, white paper, markers, colored pencils, and taught them a graffiti class. It was fun. Was troubled to learn that my popular table was filled with Trump voters. Made me see them in a new light. Will be very careful not to say anything that might offend them.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

3/23/17 SUCASA annunciata

The seniors were so sweet today. I wanted to start them out with designing clay figures, but their skill level and attention spans are so disparate, that I went with soem doing the acetate layover drawings and cards, and other I started on designing and shaping models out of clay. One woman wanted to paint the figures right away, and used markers.

What I found very sweet was how deeply they got into the Dean Martin Variety show episodes I projected onto the wall. They all lit up with memories and nostalgia. I think I'll try to bring more of those dvds in.

I spoke to the boss about having to do different days in the next couple of weeks (due to pre-scheduled work).  We'll discuss it more on Monday.

Friday, March 17, 2017

3/16/17 Sucasa Annunciata center

It was a low attendance day due to Tuesday's blizzard and no access to the van. Still, we did some more drawings using the acetate sheets, china markers, regular watercolor markers and some model sheets. I served about about 9 seniors today.

Next week I will try light sculpture with them. I'm going to play classic hollywood horror film clips and ask them to make chibi-style sculpture using sculpey and their own designs.

Monday, March 13, 2017


A Sr. Anunciata from 10:30 to 12:30. 2 hours today.

They had the room decked out for a St. Patrick's day party. Most of the folks are local whites who are very happy about the holiday, so it was very nice to see them so pleased and excited. I didn't know if I would be able to do my class with the seniors, but I ended up doing a short project with them as they waited for the festivisties to start (which was almost 12:30).

I printed out headshots of classic Hollywood Starlets, and had them trace them with china markers onto acetate squares. Then they would flip it and colored the back. After the proper coloring and the choosing of a nice pattern for the backing, they had a nice image in a card that they could call their won. It was pretty fun.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Thursday, 3/9/17, 10am to 12:45

Did the class at Annunciata. I noticed a lot of the dynamics of the seniors who go there. Its a little bit like High school, and there's the top bosses (mean girl) who are the popular seniors. They know each other for years, and they come early to get the best tables. I'm a little disheartened that there isn't more diversity at this center. It's about 80 percent white, and the rest tend to hang at the edges of the center. I hope I can find a way to increase the numbers of seniors of color.

I showed the musicals and asked them questions about life back in their day, especially about fashion and attitudes towards women in the workplace. We did action drawing, and I modeled the way to see the figure in motion and do a quick line sketch. This was more of an exercise, and most of the senior had fun. I showed the famous musical numbers from the 50s and 60s as the examples to draw.

Next week, I want to find something that they can finish relatively quickly so they can feel some accomplishment as well. Maybe focus on famous women of film, and have them do cameos.

I can also start with an icebreaker. Simple tiny collages, maybe?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Monday, 2/6/17; 10 - 12:45

2/6/17 Did more drawing. Had new students today. They still want me to g=do stuff upstairs. Have to switch the project now, since they have done more than enough with the cartoon figures and pop up cards.

I plan to switch to showing them scenes from their era's musicals, and asking them to draw the figure in motion. Just practice some more to get them to follow the line of the body and motion. Different colored pencils?  Silhouettes in different colors? Maybe cut them afterwards to paste on an interesting background? I want to give them enough practice to then move onto something in 3d next week...

We had a couple of students who were suffering from a bit of dementia. The project was simple enough for them , but I'd like to give them something they can do without thinking too much.
There are a few students that are really into the drawing aspects of the programs. I'v also noticed that these students were exclusively people of color (asian, south asian, latino).  I will make efforts to bring media that celebrates their diversity.